

New Style Woods By Numbers

Actually Angie's ties with the local Montreal design scene seem to have become intrinsic to her work.  For instance the wooden jewellery, inspired by pots of paint in a paint-by-numbers kit, were created with Devin Barrette, part of a local furniture collective Funni.  She also worked with a local textiles manufacturer to create a custom knit fabric used a skirt, a maxi dress and a pair of knitted shorts that even Angie knew had my name written all over them.
Angie then looked at old family photo albums, plastic covered couches, actresses like Oliva Hussey and Gloria Steinem and the Richard Linklater film Dazed & Confused to inspire the wood-y and faded hues for the collection and the sort of girl that would layer up swans, plastic skirts with leather applique and deer-printed turtlenecks.  If you do buy anything from the collection and don't go leaf-crunching whilst wearing it, that would be a picturesque autumnal opportunity missed.  7394391862_e758ede0fb_b7402212288_a70a6fe3f6_b7394439338_b7074a380f_b7383536722_047afc4ec1_b7373628070_4821c6d67b_b7359852920_a74a1eda4c_b7175094097_b6b1fb8292_b7359848454_8b93f9a0d4_b7361721028_8e65cd5979_b7402232548_d06c3f933a_b


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